The Electric Woman


Jess evoking energy spirits in a dark room


For the most part of my life, I have been an extremely rational being.

Think through this, think through that, analyse, ponder, analyse again.

 By and large, this thinking and overthinking has served me right.

 It is only in the last few years, following some hardships and moments of uncertainty, that I opened myself up to the exploration of the esoteric.

 I have also been religious for a while and I will not comment on that in this blog.


What I mean by esoteric is the exploration of the other axis of our human experience, the one that comes from the exploration of what is inside us, our soul, our powers, our energy.  Of that essence that cannot be explained rationally and yet I feel.  Maybe some of you do too.


Lots to write about this, but I jump to a recent experience.


I was introduced recently to a beautiful young lady and mother, let’s call her Jess.  Incidentally, the choice of name is not casual, Jess is her actual name.

Jess is special.  I call her an human electrical magnet.  Maybe she is some sort of evolved human being, at least in some aspects of her life.

 There is something special about her.  She is into spiritualism, esoteric healing, reiki massage and whole big mixed bag of mumbo jumbo.

But she has such a strong intuition, an aura of positive energy that is impossible not to be affected by.

 Jess has an incredible empathy, a heart of gold, and has understood me and my essence so rapidly.  She has helped me and others around me.  If you meet her, you will soon feel better about yourself and life in general, even in the context of hardship.  That is her power.  And I felt an attraction towards her which was non physical nor romantic, but equally strong and  indescribable in full rational terms.  

 Funny things happen around her.  I saw videos of lights flashes, blue, yellow, orange, happening around her.  I saw her look at people and seeing a reaction like if they have been scanned by a gentle and warm x-ray machine.

 There is a lot about her that I find fascinating, it is almost like watching the early part of any sci-fi movie where the main characters discover that they have some sort of superpowers.

Now this sounds like advertising.  I would like to clarify that I do not have a sentimental relationship with Jess nor a share in her practice, it would not make me financially rich anyway.

But she is special, unexplainable by my rational mind.  She is an example of what I still need to learn about in this beautiful life.

If you wish to contact Jess, you can reach her through me by sending me a PM on facebook or email.



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