The Other Side of the Coin

Being a true Libran, I like balance. When things compensate and/or harmonise nicely.

Left and right, yin and yang, mountain and sea.

Within this context, I am also aware of the “ other side of the coin”, the balancing factor between advantages and disadvantages in minor life events.

Examples might include:

  • A red light when in a hurry might be compensated by a shorter queue at the toll
  • A coffee with not enough sugar might make me appreciate a chocolate sweet more a bit later
  • A delayed call that I have been waiting for turns out to be so much nicer and productive when it actually happens

It is quite clear that these balancing events might be the result of our judgement or perception.  How we decide to view things.  The “ other side of the coin”  is often just the result of a judgement or an interpretation.

Karma. Yes for example karma.  Come on.  I do not see much of it.  I see more people trying to find it even if it is not there.  By the way, I reserve the right to write a full blog about how much I believe in karma, but that is not just the frame of mind I am in today.

Instead, today I feel like complaining. Maybe you do too.  And actually I feel like writing a list of complaints about disappointing “other sides of the coin”.

In fact, it is really quite upsetting when a negative event does not have another (positive) one.

Here are a few, with an added psychological interpretation of each.

  1. The flight delay

I really need this flight to be on time, I have such a cool meeting waiting for me at the other end. Then the announcement for the captain comes: flight delayed due to traffic at the arrival airport.  Oh no.  Really disappointing.

Well (other side of the coin) at least I will get to enjoy the inflight movie I am watching till the end.

But no, this does not happen! Apparently, it is time to “ prepare the cabin for landing”  which means all streaming content is being turned off.

What? Wait?  What about the compensating benefit?  That is unfair.

Psychological interpretation:

What I consider important is not important at all. If instead of spending my time on a flight playing games or watching movie I would instead read a good book I would not have to complain about such an inane issue. Psychologist charges me double just for bringing this up.

2. The unrequited love weight gain

Everyone knows that those who are hurt in love, rejected and left for good are sad. So sad in fact that often appetite goes out of the window.

The “ other side of the coin” in such instances is clear: finally a diet that actually works and the opportunity to get back in shape.

But no, not this time, not for me. Here I am hurting and sulking and instead of slimming down I go on an eating spree.  Kilos after kilos is added to my hurting soul.  So not only I am not feeling better, the ballooning shape makes my chances of recovery in love even worse

Psychological interpretation:

Maybe you are not that sad after all, actually good things are happening to your life. You recognise that and it is actually a strength of inner strength and optimism that you are eating healthy and with gusto.  Whether your love sorry will resume or maybe you already found another one, you have done well.  Stop complaining.

PS: you are too fat, instead of spending money seeing a psychologist: eat less and exercise more

3. The spilled Frappuccino

I am not even sure if I spelt it right, but the Frappuccino is a little delight from Starbucks, an otherwise unacceptable retail chain offering low quality coffee to US citizens and people with too much time to spare.

But yes, the Frappuccino is a drink of legendary taste, especially when double caramel is added on top and cream removed.

What could be more disappointing, on a hot day, than to spill the freshly prepared Frappuccino.

No worries, “ the other side of the coin” will be that the additional spend and waiting time will be compensated by an even better one, the Frappuccino of history, with triple caramel and just the right balance of coffee and milk.

But no, they changed barista, the new one hates me and makes the worst Frappuccino in history, a blend of second hand coffee and large block of ice. Ah, life is not unfair.

Psychological interpretation:

Get a real life. Find another therapist.  I give up.

Plus, your blog sucks.


  1. See the good things about it: you have the opportunity to fly around the world, probably even paid for by your clients, you are fit and healthy enough to queue up at Starbucks for a cold coffee, and you are not yet too old to find interest in amorous adventures with all their ups and downs, summary: your life seems to be a very rich and happy one.

    Sometimes, the other side of the coin is more global, in a bigger context, just think of those who do not have enough money to buy food at the end of the month, or those who have never been out of their hometown, let alone the chance to travel the world with an aeroplane, or those who are left over in love because their partner passed away, at least, in your case, the loved one is still out there and might be conquered back.

    The complaint about being overweight is another luxury problem, people, be happy when your fridges and tummies are full, better overweight than starving of hunger.

    However, complaining is always fun and healthy for the soul, like crying, usually, most people feel better afterwards. On top, discussing your complaints might lead to unexpected solutions: think out of the box, and never give up! 🙂

    This psychological advise is for free but happy to receive donations to cultivate my unrequested wisdom.


    1. Hi, thank you for your feedback. I appreciate your perspective and I hope you recognise some of my comments were purposely over the top and tongue in cheek…

      Thank you for following my blog


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